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Education & Awareness

There are often many different sources of information available to a patient during a healthcare journey. Some are easy to navigate. Others can pose different problems with unclear solutions. How does a patient filter out the good from the bad? That is where the expertise of a certified healthcare patient navigator can be of benefit to the entire patient healthcare team. 

We have a thorough awareness of the resources available to help in any healthcare journey. And through those resources, we are able to serve as a patient’s advocate and expert on their diagnosis to guide patients through their healthcare journey. 

Here are some specific services at a patient’s disposal we utilize as a patient navigator:

  • Coach clients and their families in self-advocacy for long term success, including systems that can be maintained by the client
  • Work with clients as a speaker or participant in seminars or meetings addressing patient advocacy issues, including caregiving, patient navigation, patient care and patient-provider communications
  • Develop topic-specific articles or papers on patient navigation and advocacy, based on the need of a client (individual or organization)
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