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megan stewart
About Pathway Patient Navigation

Megan Stewart, MS, BCPA | Principal and Founder

Megan Stewart founded Pathway Patient Navigation, based in Atlanta, Georgia, in 2020. Megan’s desire to pursue patient advocacy and navigation was driven by the experiences that her family faced in handling healthcare issues. Her husband, Joe, was diagnosed with a rare bone cancer called chordoma in 2016. Joe’s cancer journey included out-of-state treatment and at-home recovery, which provided a set of challenges for their family but also resulted in Joe’s successful treatment. During his journey, Megan served as Joe’s primary caregiver, and she is passionate about supporting patients and their families. As an outgrowth of their experience and other healthcare issues they have faced within their family and friend network, Megan returned to school, receiving her certificate in Patient Advocacy through UCLA in December 2019. Megan became a Board Certified Patient Advocate (B.C.P.A.) in November 2020. 

Megan also holds a bachelor’s degree in International Politics and a master’s degree in International Finance from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. Megan and Joe live in Atlanta, Georgia, with their two teenagers. She is an active member of the local community, including serving as the president of the Alumni Association at Marist School. Megan has been part of the Chordoma Foundation’s volunteer community and is currently a member of the Community Advisory Board, helping with programming and initiatives to support patients and their families. She is also a member of the Alliance for Professional Health Care Advocates. 

Megan enjoys using her experiences and knowledge in order to help patients and families navigate their healthcare journeys and get the best possible care for their healthcare needs. She focuses on cancer, chronic disease and eldercare.

We can help!

Guiding and Supporting the Healthcare Journey